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  • Writer's pictureJoan King

Jacob misses Reagan

From our guest poster, Joan King, about how her family #staysconnected:

Tell us about you and your little one.

Jacob is 6 yo and is obsessed with playing with Legos. We live in Covington, WA. 

What family members or close friends live far away from you?

All of our in-laws live in Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. We never see them enough but we put in the effort to fly out frequently! Jacob’s favorite cousin is Reagan. She’s 7 yo and loves gymnastics and dancing. 

What are some things you do to help you stay close or keep in touch?

By visiting and FaceTiming regularly, we always remind him of his family far away. This also makes his far away family feel loved as well when we take the time to reach out. It also makes Jacob feel like he is surrounded by lots of people who love him. 

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